Buying Windows in Hoover AL

The type of windows you choose plays a huge role in your home’s comfort. Energy-efficient frames help keep indoor temperatures stable, reduce your utility bills and protect carpets, fabrics and furniture from sun fading.

Find a window installation company with local experience in your area. They will be able to anticipate the climate conditions you face and recommend suitable products.


The frame of your windows makes a significant impact on energy efficiency. If they are made of traditional materials or are outdated or damaged, you may lose up to 25-30% of your home’s heated or cooled air each year. That’s bad for your energy bills, and it’s even worse for the environment.

The frames you choose should match your style and climate objectives, as well as your budget. Vinyl is an affordable option that resists warping and rotting, while fiberglass offers superior durability and energy efficiency. For a higher-end look, consider clad-wood or aluminum.

Double-hung windows, featuring two operable sashes that slide vertically on tracks, provide ventilation and complement most house styles. To reduce energy costs, opt for a window with low-emissivity glass and argon gas insulation. These features reflect thermal radiation, reducing cooling costs in summer and heating costs in winter and helping protect your furniture, carpeting and artwork from harmful UV rays. You can also select from a variety of custom colors and aesthetic features, such as V-groove etching or beveled glass.


When it comes to window installation, Birmingham homeowners can choose from an impressive array of styles and options. Before choosing a window company, educate yourself on the terminology and options to better communicate your preferences with the contractor. This will help you avoid deceptive sales pitches and make a well-informed decision for your home improvement project.

Among the most popular choices are double-hung windows, which open vertically from both the top and bottom for maximum airflow. Other window options include awning windows, which hinge at the top and swing outward, and garden windows, which extend outward for easy access to your plants. For energy efficiency, consider triple pane windows with Low-E glass and argon gas filling, which can dramatically lower your utility bills. Look for a window company that works with trusted, long-lasting brands and offers ENERGY STAR and Fenestration Industry Alliance (formerly AAMA) certifications to ensure their installations are done properly. In addition, choose a company that offers a warranty on their work, including both labor and materials.


When installing new windows, you have the option of insulating your home. Some of the options available include double-glazing and insulation foam. Insulation foam is a spray that can be applied to your window frame, allowing it to create a tight seal and reduce air leakage around the frame.

Fogging between window panes and rotted or warped frames are just some of the problems that can occur with old and drafty windows. You may also have trouble with high energy bills due to poor insulation. The best solution is to replace your windows with new, efficient units.

Look for windows with low u-factors and energy star certification to maximize your return on investment. A qualified window installer can help you find the right energy saving windows that perform well in your Hoover AL climate. They can also help you qualify for energy savings tax credits.


Window installers in Hoover offer a variety of styles to suit every aesthetic need. Energy-efficient windows are available in a range of options to reduce the load on your HVAC system and help you save money on your utility bills. Energy Star certified windows can save you $390 or more per year in energy costs.

Window installation experts can recommend the best windows for your home based on its size, location and architecture. They can also provide custom window designs that complement your home’s aesthetic.

The type of material you choose is essential for your new window’s performance. Vinyl is a durable and affordable choice that can improve your home’s energy efficiency. Double and triple pane windows with Low-E glass and argon gas filling are great for decreasing your home’s temperature fluctuations. These high-end solutions might cost more upfront, but will pay for themselves in lower utility bills. A quality window replacement company will offer a variety of warranty options to protect your investment.